Topic Block Three: Applications One: Implementation and Use in Practice (General use cases and applications explored)

What applications are there for computable contracts? In blockchain – and beyond? What industry players need and use computable contracts and laws for real? And what approaches should we take to move from traditional contracts to code-based specification?  We connect the airy abstractions of the ivory tower with the hot glue of enterprise software. Of the languages we’ve seen so far, which have found real-world use and what are industry users looking for? What solutions have industry players come up with on their own; what is the “state of the union” where LegalTech vendors are concerned; and how can we bring these worlds together?

Chair: Jerrold Soh

DATE: June 19, 2023
TIME: 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm
Alexis ChunOliver GoodenoughCiaran McGonagleJerrold Soh
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