Location: Y2E2 Building, 473 Via Ortega, Stanford University, Room 299
8:30 am – Breakfast and Registration
9:00 am – Introduction and Workshop Overview
- Leon Szeptycki, Executive Director, Water in the West
- Janet Martinez, Director, Gould Center for Conflict Resolution
Overview of California’s New Groundwater Legislation
- Leon Szeptycki, Executive Director, Water in the West
10 am – Session 1: Groundwater Dispute Resolutions Panel
Overview of groundwater adjudications and past allocations in
California and other states
- William Blomquist, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Burke Griggs, Non-Resident Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment
- Russell McGlothlin, Shareholder, Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, & Schreck
11:30 am – Lunch
12:30 pm – Session 2: “Barriers” Breakout Session
What are barriers in resolving groundwater disputes? What legal changes, processes, or tools would be helpful in resolving these disputes?
2:30 pm – Break
3:00 pm – Session 3: Dispute Resolution Tools and Technology Panel
How approaches from conflict resolution practice (including information technology) have been used or could be used to address groundwater conflicts
- Gina Bartlett, Senior Mediator, Consensus Building Institute
- Jason Gershowitz, Senior Collaborative Technology Associate, Kearns & West
- Andrew Girvin, Forward Deployed Engineer, Palantir Technologies
- Dan Sheer, President, HydroLogics
4:30 pm – Break
5:30 pm – Reception & Dinner
Location: Y2E2 Building, 473 Via Ortega, Stanford University, Room 300
8:30 am – Breakfast
9:00 am – Session 4: “Identifying Tools” Breakout Session
Identify opportunities and barriers using tools
10:30 am – Break
10:45 am – Session 5: “Research Questions and Next Steps” Breakout Session
Identify follow up research questions and discuss next steps
12:00 – Meeting Wrap up
- Barton “Buzz” Thompson, Perry L. McCarty Director, Woods Institute for the Environment
12:30 pm – Lunch