Expenses & Fees

Program Tuition

Regular tuition: $4,450.- (application after May 1, 2015)
Early bird tuition: $3,450.- (application until and on May 1, 2015)

Group tuition: For groups of 3 participants, a fourth registration will be available for free.
LST Affiliates: Affiliates of the Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology are entitled to additional discounts. For more information, please contact Nancy Easterbrook (neasterb@law.stanford.edu; +1 (650) 725-4247)

The tuition covers admission to all lectures, attendance at the welcome reception and farewell reception, daily breakfasts and lunches, as well as a complete set of the supplemental reading materials and a formal program certificate of completion.

Please note that travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of each participant.

The invoice, together with the admission letter, will be sent to you by e-mail.

The invoice can be paid by bank wire transfer, credit card or check.

Full payment must be received within 30 days after admission (date of the e-mail admission notification) or by July 1, 2016, whichever comes first. Failure to submit timely payment will result in cancellation of your admission.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations are subject to a $450 processing fee. A written notification of cancellation must be sent to tech@law.stanford.edu.

• prior to June 1, 2016: The tuition paid, less the $450 processing fee, will be refunded.
• on or after June 1, 2016: forfeit the entire tuition.

* Stanford Law School reserves the right to cancel the summer program. In this case, Stanford Law School will refund all tuition payments without any deductions, but no other costs.