Allison M. Zieve


Allison Zieve is the director of Public Citizen Litigation Group and the Group’s Supreme Court Assistance Project. Founded in 1972, the Litigation Group is the litigation arm of Public Citizen, a non-profit consumer advocacy organization in Washington, DC. Allison’s practice addresses administrative law, consumer health and safety, the first amendment, access to courts, and open government. She has argued five cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and has served as principal co-counsel or amicus counsel in dozens of other cases before the Court. Through the Supreme Court Assistance Project, she advises and assists respondents in cases at the petition stage, helping to preserve public-interest victories in the lower courts. In addition to litigating, Allison serves as a senior member of the Administrative Conference of the United States and a member of the American Law Institute. She has taught as an adjunct professor at Yale Law School, Georgetown University School of Law, and American’s University’s Washington College of Law. Allison is a graduate of Brown University and Yale Law School.

Allison M. Zieve

Public Citizen Litigation Group

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