Joseph Blocher


Joseph Blocher is the Lanty L. Smith ’67 Professor of Law at Duke Law School, where he also co-directs the Center for Firearms Law. He has published widely on the Second Amendment, including in the law reviews of Yale, Harvard, Stanford, NYU, Virginia, Duke, and Chicago, and in popular outlets like the New York TimesWashington Post, and The Atlantic. His recent work of relevance to this topic includes Originalism-by-Analogy and Second Amendment Adjudication, Yale L.J. (forthcoming 2023) (with Eric Ruben); Second-Amendment Sensitive Places: Protecting Democratic Community and Commerce, NYU L. Rev. (forthcoming 2023) (with Reva Siegel); Manufacturing Outliers, Sup. Ct. Rev. (forthcoming 2023) (with Darrell A.H. Miller); and Originalism and Historical Fact-Finding, Geo. L.J. (forthcoming 2023) (with Brandon Garrett).

Joseph Blocher

Lanty L. Smith ’67 Professor of Law

Duke University School of Law

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