James Pooley is Senior Counsel in the Silicon Valley office of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, where he represents clients in preventing and resolving trade secret and patent disputes.
In 2014 Mr. Pooley completed a five-year term as Deputy Director General at the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva, where he was responsible for management of the international patent system. Before his service at WIPO, Mr. Pooley was a successful trial lawyer in Silicon Valley for over 35 years. He has also taught trade secret law at the University of California, Berkeley and at Santa Clara University. He is a past president of the American Intellectual Property Law Association and is currently chairman of the National Inventors Hall of Fame Selection Board.
Mr. Pooley is an author or co-author of several major works in the IP field, including his treatise Trade Secrets (Law Journal Press) and the Patent Case Management Judicial Guide (Federal Judicial Center). His recent business book is Secrets: Managing Information Assets in the Age of Cyberespionage (Verus Press 2015). His most recent journal article is The Myth of the Trade Secret Troll: Why the Defend Trade Secrets Act Improves the Protection of Commercial Information, 23 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 1045 (Summer 2016).
In 2016 Mr. Pooley was inducted into the IP Hall of Fame for his contributions to IP law and practice.