Joshua Koran is one of the most knowledgeable experts in data-driven marketing, particularly in relation to programmatic advertising and personalization. In 2014, AdWeek recognized his contributions to this field, in which he holds 21 patents, by naming him one of the top innovators in the space. As a technical contributor to the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), he helped draft the metadata transport behind the Ad Choices privacy framework. Since 1997, he has been the Chief Executive Officer at Koran Consulting, advising companies on technical architecture and data monetization strategies. As a technical expert for Ad Network Educational Consortium, he advised Congress on proposed privacy legislation. He has also held executive roles at Turn, AT&T, Conversant and Yahoo!, where he was an early pioneer of technologies such as the Demand Side Platform (DSP), Data Management Platform (DMP), audience data marketplace and behavioral targeting. He received his J.D. from U.C., Hastings College of the Law, his M.B.A. from Oxford University and his B.A. from Boston College.