CEO HIP Investor Ratings + Portfolios
R. Paul Herman is a globally recognized leader in sustainable finance, ESG measurement, and investing to pursue positive impact and profit. HIP (Human Impact + Profit) Investor produces and licenses 123,400 impact investment ratings of companies, NGOs, and governments – and manages portfolios for investors.
HIP Investor Ratings measure the future risk, return potential and net impact (ESG) of nearly 8,000 global equities, 100,000+ bond issuers, and 1000s of funds for investors, family offices, family foundations, fiduciaries, wealth advisors, fund managers, hedge funds, and retirement plans, including 401(k)s. HIP Ratings are integrated into the Peter Drucker Management 250 Index published annually in the Wall Street Journal, and several years of the annual Newsweek Green Rankings.
HIP’s ESG Strategies and ESG Portfolios allocate across sustainable equities, REITs, and funds/ETFs to thematically invest in “great places to work,” “sustainable real estate,” and fossil-fuel-free approaches to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targeted impact goals.
Herman’s 2010 textbook, ebook, and audiobook — The HIP Investor; Make Bigger Profits by Building a Better World, published by John Wiley & Sons — is included in 28 university, MBA and MPA curricula worldwide on finance, capital markets and impact investing, including Stanford University.
Herman teaches sustainable finance and multi-sector finance at Presidio Graduate School, the “best MBA if you want to change the world” according to The New York Times.
Herman is a graduate of the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, advised Boards and executives while with McKinsey and Company, found and funded social entrepreneurs at, and shaped and measured impact investments at eBay founder Pierre Omidyar’s Network. Herman is an advisor to the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Net Impact and Sustainable Brands.
Herman’s and HIP’s insights have been published in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, BusinessWeek, CNN, Reuters, and CNBC.
Herman founded HIP Investor 13 years ago to show that investments across all asset classes can solve human, social and environmental problems — and can be more profitable and less risky than being extractive of people, natural resources and trust.