9:00a – 9:15a Welcome
Elizabeth Magill, Stanford Law School
Roland Vogl, CodeX
9:15a – 10:00a
Opening Keynote (Paul Brest Hall)
Jim Sandman, Legal Services Corporation, @LSCtweets
The Technology Revolution, Lawyers, and Courts: Why So Slow? And How Can We Accelerate Change?
Technology has transformed and improved service delivery in many industries. But lawyers have been slow to initiate and adopt new technologies and to change their traditional service-delivery patterns, to the detriment of clients. And many courts have not embraced technologies that could make their processes more accessible to litigants, particularly those who cannot afford a lawyer. Why? Where are the levers of power and change, and how can they be harnessed to make the legal system more user-friendly?
10:00a – 10:15a Break
10:15a – 11:10a
Hot or Not – Watson and Beyond (Paul Brest Hall)
- What data analytics technologies are in use today?
- What’s real and what’s marketing buzz?
- What’s possible in the foreseeable future?
- What are the implications for providers and consumers of legal services?
- What are the limitations?
- What are the policy implications?
Moderator: Professor Dan Katz, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, @computational
- Noah Waisberg, Kira Systems, @nwaisb
- Khalid Al-Kofahi, Thomson Reuters, @KKofahi
- Charles Horowitz, The MITRE Corporation – Center for Judicial Informatics, Science, and Technology
- Andrew Arruda, ROSS Intelligence, @AndrewArruda
- Himabindu Lakkaraju, Stanford University, @hima_bindu
11:10a – 11:20a Break
11:20a – 11:35a
An Introduction to the UK’s Alternative Business Structure from Eddie Hartman (Paul Brest Hall)
The U.K. Legal Services Act of 2007 allows nonlawyers to hold ownership and management positions in law firms and allows for the creation of multidisciplinary practices. As of 2012, the U.K. rule provides for a new kind of legal company, referred to as an alternative business structure (ABS).
Eddie Hartman explains how LegalZoom created an ABS and how the structure allows for significant advancements in legal technology and the delivery of legal services.
11:40a – 12:35p
Computational Law Update (Paul Brest Hall)
Computational law is based on the representation of law in computable form, which enables computers to analyze the law and automate legal processes. We see computable law applied across practice verticals, from computable contracts to back office automation. What are the latest breakthroughs in computational law and what are the biggest challenges?
Moderator: Professor Harry Surden, University of Colorado; CodeX, @HarrySurden
- Professor Bart Verheij, University of Groningen, Institute of Artificial Intelligence; CodeX, @brtvrh
- Ron Staudt, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
- Guido Governatori, NICTA
- Nicole Shanahan, CodeX, @NicoleShanahan
- Leila Banijamali, Startup Documents, @leilabanijamali
12:30p – 1:10p Lunch
1:10p – 1:15p
Unveiling LegalTech Database and Legal Tech Link (Paul Brest Hall)
- David Curle, Thomson Reuters Legal
- Pieter Gunst, Legal.io; CodeX
1:15p – 2:00p
Moot Court 2020: Legal Tech on Trial (Paul Brest Hall)
Imagine it is the year 2020. Plaintiff, a dissatisfied attorney, has brought suit against the entire legal tech industry, alleging that the claims and promises it made in 2016 amount to fraud and false advertising. Using a moot court format, this session explores some of the legal tech community’s grander predictions, and examines the various ways the community might succeed (or fail) in reaching these lofty goals.
- Alma Asay, Allegory Law, @AlmaAsay
- Deborah Hensler, Stanford Law School
- Jason Solomon, Stanford Law School
Counsel for Plaintiff:
- Samuel Glover, Lawyerist, @samglover
- Keith Lee, Associate’s Mind, @associatesmind
Counsel for Defendant:
- Jake Heller, Stanford CodeX; Casetext, @Jacob_Heller
- Pablo Arredondo, Stanford CodeX; Casetext, @tweetatpablo
2:00p – 3:00p
Track A: Barriers to LegalTech Adoption and Possible Solutions
Many legal technology providers encounter lack of trust in their products as a viable complement or substitute to traditional legal services. A number of ‘coordination problems’ persist and keep us from designing a new system.
- Can insurance help overcome this challenge?
- If so, what standards are applied to human legal malpractice and what standards should be applied to machines?
- Should regulators step in?
Moderator: Monica Bay, CodeX, @MonicaBay
- Ralph Baxter, CodeX ; Stanford Law School Center on the Legal Profession, @ralphbaxter
- Brad Newman, Cooley, @bradknewman
- Joshua Walker, Airbus Silicon Valley
- Doug Luftman, Lecorpio, @dluftman
- Nick Abrahams, Norton Rose Fulbright; LawPath, @NickAbrahams
Track B: The New Legal Tech Communities
New kinds of communities are forming around the intersection of law and technology. These groups are bringing together entrepreneurs, academics, lawyers, and clients in new and exciting ways. In the process, they are reinventing the way that innovation is coming to the legal industry and creating new roles for its players. This panel will feature representatives of four different types of communities.
Moderator: David Curle, Thomson Reuters Legal
- Jules Miller, Hire an Esquire; Evolve Law, @HaeJules
- Daniel W. Linna Jr., Michigan State University College of Law, @DanLinna
- Rebecca Williams, DC Legal Hackers, @internetrebecca
- Dr. Micha-Manuel Bues, Bucerius Law School, @MMBues
- Jason Moyse, LegalX (Toronto); Elevate @jasonmoyse
Track C: Legal Technology in the Academy
Legal informatics academics discuss their work in the field, and the relationship between academic research and applications of their work in the “real-world”.
Moderator: Professor John McGinnis; Northwestern University Law School
- Aaron Wright; Cardozo Law School, @awrigh01
- Professor George Triantis, Stanford Law School
- Professor William Henderson, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, @wihender
- Professor Tanina Rostain, Georgetown University Law Center, @GtwnLawIronTech
3:00p – 3:15p Break
3:15p – 4:15p
The Role of Technologists in Reforming the Criminal Justice System (Paul Brest Hall)
- What data can/should judges and prosecutors use to determine who should be charged, who should get out of prison, and how to minimize recidivism?
- What are best practices for structuring analytics to provide greater transparency into police conduct?
- How can the government leverage technologist in academia to further it’s policy goals?
- Collection, use and storage of police data.
Moderator: Professor Phil Malone, Stanford Law School, @Phillip_Malone
- Sharad Goel, Stanford University, @5harad
- Justin Erlich, Special Assistant Attorney General to California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris, @JAErlich
- Jenny Kim, Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
- Kathryn Haun, U.S. Department of Justice; Stanford Law School
- Cristine DeBerry, San Francisco DA
4:15p – 4:30p Break
4:30p– 5:30p
E-Government (Paul Brest Hall)
Governments around the world are investing heavily in technology to improve their efficiency, accessibility and transparency.
- What areas hold the biggest opportunities?
- What do you need to know about innovating in the government space?
Moderator: Jason R. Baron, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, @JasonRBaron1
- Jonathan Reichental, City of Palo Alto, @Reichental
- Colleen Chien, Santa Clara University School of Law, @colleen_chien
- Peter Parycek, Danube University Krems, Austria, @parycek
- Jenny Montoya Tansey, Code For America, @tennymo
5:30p Reception