Logistics & Travel

Location: Stanford Law School
Crown Quadrangle
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305

Parking: Wilbur Field Garage
560 Wilbur Way
Stanford, CA 94305

Accommodations: A list of local lodging options near Stanford University can be found, here. Most hotels offer a Stanford rate, be sure to mention at time of booking.

Stanford University offers limited, on-campus summer housing for Stanford-affiliated guests 18 years or older. For more information please click here.

If you plan to park on campus, we will provide you with a virtual parking pass (more information will be sent closer to the event date). The closest parking lot is Wilbur Field Garage. If you are coming from either San Francisco or San Jose area, please note that during commute hours in the morning and afternoon the travel time can take an hour or more. Also, please allow time for parking, as parking on campus can be difficult.

Airport Transportation: Visitors traveling to Stanford Law School can fly into the following airports


Since the summer program does not test participants and does not offer academic credit, it is categorized as a training program for visa purposes (visitors who attend a scientific, educational, professional, or business convention or conference).

Available Visa Types: There are two ways you may enter the United States to attend the summer program.

Visa Waiver Program
In order to enter the United States under the Visa Waiver Program, visitors from participating countries must:

  • be a citizen of a Visa Waiver Program country (you will find the participating Visa Waiver Program countries here)
  • have a valid passport issued by the participating country
  • be seeking entry for 90 days or fewer, as a temporary visitor for business or pleasure.

B-1 Visitor Visas
If you do not qualify for the Visa Waiver Program, you should request a B-1 Visitor Visa to attend the summer program. The B-1 visa is the appropriate visa for entry into the United States for participation in a scientific, educational, professional, or business convention or conference. When applying for a visa, you should include the acceptance letter, the invoice, and a payment confirmation. The acceptance letter and the invoice will be sent to you by e-mail.

The U.S. State Department requires visa applications to be submitted at least 60 days before the date of travel. In some cases, visa processing times may take longer. Therefore, international participants, who need a B-1 visa, are encouraged to submit their summer program application as soon as possible so that they may have sufficient time to apply for their visa if accepted.

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