Kate Bloch

Photo and bio credit: UC Hastings

Professor Bloch joined the UC Hastings faculty in 1991. Her scholarly interests include legal ethics, legal education, and criminal law, procedure, and practice issues. She is a recipient of the Rutter Award for Excellence in Teaching and the UC Hastings 1066 Foundation Faculty Award for scholarship. In 1997, California Supreme Court Chief Justice Ronald M. George appointed Professor Bloch to the Judicial Council Task Force on Jury Instructions. As a member of its Criminal Instructions Subcommittee, she helped draft the CALCRIM instructions, which now serve as the official instructions for use in California criminal trials. Professor Bloch is an advisor to the UC Hastings Haiti Justice Initiative and is working with colleagues in the U.S. and at our partner law school, L’École Supérieure Catholique de Droit de Jérémie, to establish what may prove to be the first law school social and criminal justice clinic in Haiti.

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