Panel 2: Impeachment

Many experts believed impeachment was the appropriate remedy to rein in what they perceived as former President Trump’s abuses of power and threat to the constitution, as well as to permanently disqualify him from holding office. Now Republicans in the House are considering impeaching President Biden. Yet the last three impeachments (Clinton and two Trumps) ended in acquittals. Did they accomplish anything? Did they do damage to anything? Should impeachment be seen as a regular part of the congressional arsenal for checking the presidency, or should it be reserved for extraordinary events – and if the latter, how should they be defined?

Moderator: Brandice Canes-Wrone, Stanford Department of Political Science

LOCATION: Room 290
DATE: May 17, 2024
TIME: 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
John O. McGinnisPhilip C. BobbittBrandice Canes-WroneNoah FeldmanPamela S. Karlan
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