
Dr. Charina Chou, Google Quantum AI
Dr. Edward Chow, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Professor I. Glenn Cohen, Harvard Law School
Professor Royal Aubrey Davis III, United States Air Force Academy
Eline De Jong, PhD candidate, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tina Dekker, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, formerly University of Ottawa
Professor Chris C. Demchak, U.S. Naval War College
Professor Urs Gasser, TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology at the Technical University of Munich, former Professor of Practice at Harvard Law
Professor Charles Tait Graves, Wilson Sonsini LLP; UC Law San Francisco
Professor Hank Greely, Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences; Stanford Law School
Professor Chris Hoofnagle, Berkeley Law
Dr. Thomas Juffmann, University of Vienna
Mauritz Kop, Stanford Transatlantic Technology Law Forum (TTLF) Fellow and Visiting Quantum Scholar, Stanford University, Director AIRecht.nl
Professor Mark Lemley, Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology; Stanford Law School
Professor Timo Minssen, University of Copenhagen; University of Cambridge
Dr. Florian Neukart, Terra Quantum
Elija Perrier, PhD candidate, Centre for Quantum Software and Information, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Franz Inthisone Pfanner, student at Stanford University Physics Department
Dr. Grant Salton, Amazon Quantum Solutions Lab, AWS, Caltech
Daniel Changxiao Sun, student at Stanford University Physics Department
Alexandra Waldherr, student at Medical University Innsbruck, formerly CERN
Dr. Jeff Welser, COO and Vice President, IBM Research

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