With degrees in engineering, economics, and comparative complex organization systems /political science, Dr. Chris C. Demchak is the US Naval War College’s Grace M. Hopper Chair of Cyber Security and Senior Cyber Scholar, Cyber and Innovation Policy Institute (CIPI) – formerly the Center for Cyber Conflict Studies (C3S) which she co-founded/directed. Her research and many publications address global cyberspace as a globally shared, complex, insecure ‘substrate’ underlying the critical organizations of digitized societies, creating ‘cybered conflict’ and a resulting, rising ‘Cyber Westphalia’ of sovereign competitive complex socio-technical-economic systems (STESs), facilitating ‘Great Systems Conflict’ and thus inducing an urgent survival need for a ‘Cyber Operational Resilience Alliance’ (CORA) among advanced democratic allies. Demchak takes a systemic approach in focusing on emergent systems, comparative institutional evolution with emerging technologies, adversary/defensive use of systemic cybered tools and artificial intelligence, virtual worlds/gaming for strategic/operational organizational learning, and in modeling systemic resilience (‘cybered conflict model’) against normal or adversary imposed disruptive surprises in national systems. Having programmed in LISP and served as a military officer, Demchak has taught enterprise information systems, conflict studies, technology management, comparative organization theory, and cybersecurity and artificial intelligence for international/ national security issues. Articles include “China’s Maxim [BGP Hijacking, 2018]”, “The Four Horsemen of AI” (2019), “ ‘Sea-hacking’ Sun Tsu: Deception in Global AI/Cybered Conflict” (2021), ““Achieving Systemic Resilience in a Great Systems Conflict Era” (2022), and “What Corrodes Cyber, Infects its Offspring: Unlearned Lessons for Emerging Technologies”(2022 winter). Chapters in edited volumes include: “”Cybered Conflict, Hybrid War, and Informatizaton Wars” (Springer, Tikk et al eds, 2020), and ““Cyber Competition to Cybered Conflict” (Goldman et al eds, NWC Press, 2020). Books include Designing Resilience (2010 co-edit); Wars of Disruption and Resilience (2011); and manuscripts in production include “Cyber Westphalia: States, Great Systems Conflict, and Collective Resilience”, “Cyber Commands: Organizing for Great Systems Conflict”, and “Ensuring a Digital Democracy”.