Andrew Bridges, a partner at Fenwick & West LLP in San Francisco, is one of the country’s leading litigators on cutting-edge and high-stakes issues affecting technology, online platform, and consumer oriented companies. Clients seek him out not only to solve immediate business and legal challenges but also to lay the groundwork to forestall future problems as both technologies and laws develop.
He also has advised countless clients of all sizes regarding the legal and policy implications and risks of new business models and technologies. He has been an active contributor to the work of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international policy organizations.
He is proud of having mentored a number of prominent and rising figures in IP Law.
In 2014, the California State Bar honored him with the Vanguard Award for his successes, contributions to IP law, and leadership. In 2017, National Law Journal honored him as an “IP Trailblazer.”
Andrew received his A.B. in Greek and Latin with distinction at Stanford; an M.A. in philosophy and ancient history from Oxford (Merton College); and a J.D. cum laude from Harvard.