Presenters should upload any revisions to their papers by Friday, October 26, 2012. (midnight, Pacific Stanfard Time). That will give discussants two weeks to read the papers.
Each paper will be presented in a 40 minute “block”, with 18 minutes for the presenter, 8 minutes for the discussant, and 14 minutes for general audience questions. Timekeepers should be reasonably rigid about these time limits. After the discussion, the timekeeper will immediately open the floor for questions (before a response, if any, by presenters to discussants).
Please send your slides to no later than Wednesday, November 7th at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, to have them uploaded in advance. We’ll do what we can for slides sent later than this, but make no promises. There is a 20 MB attachment size limit. You can also bring slides with you on a USB drive, but such drives have caused compatibility issues in the past, so we strongly recommend sending the slides in advance.
Computers in the conference rooms can display PowerPoint or PDF files. If you want to use another file type, please email, and we will see what is doable. We prefer that you not use your own laptop and cannot guarantee seamless usage of your own device.
Whether you send your slides in advance or bring them on a USB drive, please make sure that your slides have been loaded properly well before your panel starts. That way problems can be worked out without slowing down the conference.
Your discussion should be no more than 8 minutes. Paper presenters have been asked to revise their papers by October 26, 2012, which will give you two weeks to read the papers and prepare your remarks. You will always be able to access the most recent version of the paper from the program from SSRN [after logging in, click on the “discussant list” link on the left hand side of the page].
The last discussant in each panel will also serve as timekeeper for the panel. (When the third discussion is ongoing, the first discussant will serve as timekeeper.)
Please start promptly, end on time, and keep time for each paper per the time limits above. We will provide a kitchen timer and “time remaining” placards to assist in this. Papers should be presented in the order listed in the program. Each paper should be followed immediately by its discussant and then questions from the audience (without moving back from discussant to presenter for a response). Please make introductions very short — names of presenters and paper information will already be in the conference program. Ordinarily, authors will call on audience members for questions.