
Creative Risk Management and Oversight

The board’s risk oversight responsibility has been subject to enhanced scrutiny from the courts in recent years. Institutional investors have identified risk oversight as a critical governance issue while pushing for more meaningful disclosures on the board’s risk oversight activities. Although the day-to-day risk management belongs with management, the board must engage proactively in monitoring […]

Human Capital Management and Modern Workforce Challenges

Human capital is a critically important value driver for corporations in today’s economy, where a corporation’s most significant assets walk out the door each evening. In response, boardroom attention has begun to focus on “human capital management,” which includes topics ranging from employee health and safety to workplace diversity to employee recruitment, training, development, and […]

Mergers & Acquisitions

After taking a short break following the emergence of COVID, the M&A market rebounded with a vengeance. In this environment, every publicly traded corporation needs an M&A strategy. Is it a buyer or a seller? Is it prepared to respond to an adequately priced offer from a credible bidder? What’s the smartest way to deploy […]

Corporate Governance and Proxy Trends and the New SEC

This session will peel back the results of the most recent proxy season to tease out the important surprises and enduring trends, and then forecast what challenges might be lurking around the corner. The panelists will also discuss the many recent actions and rule proposals by the SEC, on issues ranging from shareholder rights and […]