May 4th Agenda and Presentations

Saturday, May 4th, 2013

Paul Brest Hall, Stanford Law School

8:15 – 9:00 am Continental Breakfast

8:15 – 9:00 am  Panel III: Intermediary Copyright Liability

Content — movies, music, books, etc. — flourishes on the Internet. Yet the technologies that make this possible also allow for nearly costless copying, threatening the interests of rights holders. Governments have taken the lead in addressing these issues, but more recently rights holders have looked to private enforcement mechanisms such as the copyright alert system. What lessons, if any, should China and the U.S. learn from the other’s experience?

Moderator: Paul Goldstein
Professor of Law, Stanford Law School

Topic: ISS Copyright Liability in Canada{English} {Chinese}

Speaker: Giuseppina D’Agostino
Associate Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University; Founder & Director, IP Osgoode, Osgoode’s Intellectual Property Law and Technology Program

Topic: ISP Copyright Liabilities and Safe Harbors in China: A Cinderella Story of Legal Transplantation? {Presentation}

Speaker: Jiarui Liu
Assistant Professor of Law, University of New Hampshire School of Law

Topic: Copyright as Innovation Policy How Intermediary Liability Defines the Innovation Landscape

Speaker: Fred von Lohmann
Legal Director for Copyright, Google

Topic: DMCA’s Influence on ISP’s Liability in China: the Good and the Bad {English} {Chinese}

Speaker: WANG Qian
Professor, East China university of Political Science and Law

Topic: Lessons Learned from Both Sides of Notice and Takedown {Presentation}

Speaker: Xuan Yun
Director of IP Policy & enforcement, Microsoft China

Topic: Copyright Liability for the UGC {Presentation}

Speaker: Parker Zhang
Director of Patent Strategy, Baidu

Q & A

10:30 – 10:45 am  Tea Break

310:45 – 12:15 pm Panel IV Virtual Items

Who owns virtual items? To what extent do the Terms of Service of a site operator or an app provider limit a user’s “ownership” of items? A combination of property, intellectual property, and contract laws has been used to regulate the ownership and exchange of these virtual “goods” thus far. In this panel, we explore the tensions that may arise between these doctrines as the markets in China and the United States evolve and increasingly overlap.

Moderator: Andy Y. Sun {Presentation}
Visiting Chair Professor, Tongji University College of Law

Topic: Virtual Gravity: The Path and Velocity of Virtual Property {English}{Chinese}

Speaker: Joshua Fairfield
Associate Professor of Law, Washington & Lee University School of Law

Topic: Research on Issues Concerning the Ownership and Transactions of Virtual Property {English}{Chinese}

Speaker: Jason SI
Director, Legal Research Center, Tencent

Topic: Virtual Property: Two Real World Case Studies and the Nightmare Scenarios {English}{Chinese}

Speaker: Stephen Smith
Managing Partner, Greenberg Glusker Fields Claman & Machtinger LLP

Topic: The Ownership of Virtual Items{English}{Chinese}

Speaker: YANG Ming
Assistant to the Dean and Associate Professor, Peking University Law School

Q & A

12:15 – 1:45 Lunch and Keynote

Moderator: Elizabeth Magill
Dean, Stanford Law School

Moderator: ZHANG Shouwen
Dean, Peking University Law School

Keynote Speaker: Judge Randall R. Rader
Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit


2:00 – 3:00 pm Panel V Patent Litigation

Do the U.S. and China patent systems encourage innovation, particularly in the Internet industry? How are damages calculated in the U.S. and China patent systems? What is the patent-eligibility of software? What is the impact of ITC patent litigation on Chinese entities? How important are patent acquisition and litigation to securing freedom to operate?

Moderator: Colleen Chien
Assistant Professor, Santa Clara Law School

Moderator: Singer John Huang{Presentation}
Co-Director, Institute for Internet Law, Peking University Law School

Topic: Does the US Litigation System Promote Software/Internet Innovation {English} {Chinese}

Speaker: Neel Chatterjee
Co-Chair, Intellectual Property Group, Orrick

Topic: Patents and innovation in China{English} {Chinese}

Speaker: Roger SHANG
Chief Patent and Technology Counsel, Alibaba

Topic: The U.S. & Chinese Patent Systems: The New Dialetics of Innovation {English} {Chinese}

Speaker: Duane R. Valz
Senior Patent Counsel, Google Inc.

Topic: Remedies For Patent Infringement In the United States {English} {Chinese}

Speaker: Judge Ronald M. Whyte
Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California

Topic: In Hatred and In Love: Patent Competition on Internet Open Platform

Speaker: ZHANG Ping
Professor of Law, Peking University Law School

Q & A

3:30 – 3:45 pm Closing Ceremony

Closing Speeches

Speaker: Elizabeth Magill
Dean, Stanford Law School

Speaker: ZHANG Shouwen
Dean, Peking University Law School