Law + Design =

A Summit at Stanford to explore how human-centered design can transform the legal system

WHEN September 22, 2017 9am - 5pm
WHERE Stanford, CA Stanford

What would a human-centered legal system look like?

Join us at Stanford Legal Design Lab to explore how to bring innovation into law.

In this first Summit at Stanford, we are bringing lawyers, judges, designers, engineers, researchers, businesspeople, and entrepreneurs together to explore how we can use a design approach to improve how the legal system operates.

How can we improve the 'user experience' of the legal system? How can we build a culture of experimentation inside legal orgs, to reimagine how we work and deliver services? And how can we be more creative and flexible as we develop new rules and policies?

At our Law + Design day, we will hear from people at the cutting-edge of design and law, and then use the design process ourselves to define a forward agenda.

Our keynote speech will make clear what a 'design approach' means, and how other domains have used it to radically transform systems.

We will hear from people who have been experimenting with user-centered legal services, communications, and products. And then we will work together, using the design process, to define new prototypes and initiatives.

This summit will be both practical and provocative. We will discuss how to bring innovation into your legal organization, while also experimenting with what transformative new designs might be possible.

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(c) Stanford Legal Design Lab, 2017